This post is part of a series related to object oriented programming in R and the package aoos. The previous introduced the version 0.2.0 of aoos. The next links to the Introduction vignette in the package.
To educate myself I am attending a coursera course named Functional Programming Principles in Scala. For the past 2 years I regularly return to the course to learn something new. However, I never really tried to solve things in Scala but tried to translate everything into R. When I translated one of the examples into R I was a bit shocked why we have to use so many parenthesis, commas and stuff which makes code hard to read and understand. I envied Scala for the clear representation but I think you will see that equivalent clarity in R can be achieved. In the following I will present several solutions in R to represent the initial example in different ways. Most of the ideas are implemented in the package aoos but the final example will only be using base R.
Reference Classes
First stop are reference classes implemented in the methods package in R. As far as I know it was meant to be a Java-like implementation of object orientation in R. To give some context, the goal is to represent rational numbers and some basic operations on them, like addition and subtraction.
Rational <- setRefClass(
Class = "Rational",
fields = list(numer = "numeric", denom = "numeric"),
methods = list(
gcd = function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b),
initialize = function(numer, denom) {
g <- gcd(numer, denom)
.self$numer <- numer / g
.self$denom <- denom / g
show = function() {
cat(paste0(.self$numer, "/", .self$denom, "\n"))
add = function(that) {
Rational(numer = numer * that$denom + that$numer * denom,
denom = denom * that$denom)
neg = function() {
Rational(numer = -.self$numer,
denom = .self$denom)
sub = function(that) {
# Test cases:
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
## 4/3
## -2/3
## 0/1
x <- Rational(numer = 1, denom = 3)
y <- Rational(numer = 5, denom = 7)
z <- Rational(numer = 3, denom = 2)
## -79/42
I don’t know how you feel about the code above but my eyes just don’t find a
point to focus. Maybe this is me but it looks very complicated, given the simple
example I think too complicated. Something which is possible in Scala but not in
R is to have binary notation, so the second test case line can be written as
rational add rational
, so you get rid of a couple of more symbols. Further
down I will show how this can be implemented in R. Also you do not really want
to be public or denom
and numer
changeable for the client, which I
think is not easily achieved in R either. Anyway, after two lines I was
frustrated and thought that this has to be solved so that it’s fun to write
reference classes and add things like public and private member.
Modifying setRefClass
In a first step I want to get rid of all kinds of commas, parenthesis and lists. How? For this I use non standard evaluation. In the following example I show how to evaluate a code snippet and store the results in a list for later use.
# First create an environment in which the code is evaluated:
a <- 1
b <- 2
}), envir = e <- new.env())
# Check that they exist:
ls(envir = e)
## [1] "a" "b"
# And convert it to a list:
## $a
## [1] 1
## $b
## [1] 2
Here we have a terribly complicated way to construct a list but basically it is
the idea to improve the definition of reference classes. The list that is
constructed is used to define the arguments to setRefClass
and then the result
looks as follows:
Rational <- defineRefClass({
Class <- "Rational"
numer <- "numeric"
denom <- "numeric"
gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
initialize <- function(numer, denom) {
g <- gcd(numer, denom)
.self$numer <- numer / g
.self$denom <- denom / g
show <- function() {
cat(paste0(.self$numer, "/", .self$denom, "\n"))
add <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = numer * that$denom + that$numer * denom,
denom = denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -.self$numer,
denom = .self$denom)
sub <- function(that) {
is a wrapper around setRefClass
and captures whatever you
write inside the curly braces. So this is really just a different representation
of the above example but at least for me easier to read. The test cases for
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
## 4/3
## -2/3
## 0/1
x <- Rational(numer = 1, denom = 3)
y <- Rational(numer = 5, denom = 7)
z <- Rational(numer = 3, denom = 2)
## -79/42
Next, implement a notion of privacy! I just could not think of anything better
but to override the default accessor, i.e. $
to make things seem to be
private. You can inherit from a class called Private
which will not let you
access member with leading period in their names - if you must see the code: go
# Updated definition with 'private' member
Rational <- defineRefClass({
Class <- "RationalWithPrivate"
contains <- "Private"
numer <- "numeric"
denom <- "numeric"
.gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
initialize <- function(numer, denom) {
g <- .gcd(numer, denom)
.self$numer <- numer / g
.self$denom <- denom / g
show <- function() {
cat(paste0(.self$numer, "/", .self$denom, "\n"))
add <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = numer * that$denom + that$numer * denom,
denom = denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -.self$numer,
denom = .self$denom)
sub <- function(that) {
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
## Error in rational$.gcd: Restricted access!
## 4/3
## -2/3
## 0/1
This will prevent the client to access .gcd
. But auto-complete for instances
of a Rational are polluted with private member and all kinds of other things.
And I still have not implemented the sugar to be able to write add
and sub
in binary notation.
More object orientation
This was probably a time consuming solution and maybe not really necessary, but
essentially I reimplemented setRefClass
. This solution is more a prove of
concept because in most scenarios I don’t need object orientation and maybe you
want to consider other implementations in R, or you are just like me and like to
get rid of unnecessary symbols in your code. The function defineClass
nothing to do with setRefClass
but it still uses S4
method dispatch and
classes. There is more to it than I present here, but lets just look at the
Rational <- defineClass("RationalAoos", contains = c("Show", "Accessor"), {
numer <- NULL
denom <- NULL
.gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
init <- function(numer, denom) {
g <- .gcd(numer, denom)
.self$numer <- numer / g
.self$denom <- denom / g
show <- function() {
cat(paste0(.self$numer, "/", .self$denom, "\n"))
add <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = .self$numer * that$denom + that$numer * .self$denom,
denom = .self$denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -.self$numer,
denom = .self$denom)
sub <- function(that) {
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
## 4/3
## -2/3
## 0/1
x <- Rational(numer = 1, denom = 3)
y <- Rational(numer = 5, denom = 7)
z <- Rational(numer = 3, denom = 2)
## -79/42
In this framework I use inheritance to add or change behaviour of a class. The class Show will look for a member function called show to be used as print/show S4 method. A leading period will also indicate a private member although this can be changed. The inheritance from Accessor changes the way you can access public fields, the default would be through get/set methods. So besides this I was also able to implement my desired binary notation, although it works a bit different:
Rational <- defineClass(
"RationalWithBinary", contains = c("Show", "Binary", "Accessor"), {
numer <- NULL
denom <- NULL
.gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
init <- function(numer, denom) {
g <- .gcd(numer, denom)
.self$numer <- numer / g
.self$denom <- denom / g
show <- function() {
cat(paste0(.self$numer, "/", .self$denom, "\n"))
".+" <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = .self$numer * that$denom + that$numer * .self$denom,
denom = .self$denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -.self$numer,
denom = .self$denom)
".-" <- function(that) {
self + that$neg()
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
rational + rational
## 4/3
## -2/3
rational - rational
## 0/1
x <- Rational(numer = 1, denom = 3)
y <- Rational(numer = 5, denom = 7)
z <- Rational(numer = 3, denom = 2)
x - y - z
## -79/42
I think by now it is obvious what has changed. So this is very close to what I want to have as object orientation, and I am pretty happy with it, although I still have some ideas I want to implement.
Again, just different
You can of course explore other implementations of object orientation in R or just write your own one, but the fewer packages you rely on, the less surprising bugs arise after a new R version. I am still reluctant to rely on aoos although it looks nice and I am the maintainer. So maybe we should consider a pure R or functional solution. What all reference classes in R have in common is that they inherit from environment. And we know that whenever a function is called a new environment is created in which the body of the function is evaluated, so you can simply return this environment and use it as an object as in object orientation.
Rational <- function(numer, denom) {
gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
g <- gcd(numer, denom)
numer <- numer / g
denom <- denom / g
print <- function() cat(paste0(numer, "/", denom, "\n"))
add <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = numer * that$denom + that$numer * denom,
denom = denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -numer,
denom = denom)
sub <- function(that) {
# Return everything in this scope:
structure(environment(), class = c("Rational", "Print"))
print.Print <- function(x, ...) x$print()
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
## 4/3
## -2/3
## 0/1
x <- Rational(numer = 1, denom = 3)
y <- Rational(numer = 5, denom = 7)
z <- Rational(numer = 3, denom = 2)
## -79/42
Just functions. And yes, the S3 class system. The initialize method did not survive the translation because the constructor takes on this responsibility. I use Print here for the same reason I defined the class Show in aoos, to use the print/show method defined as member function. Most important for me are the binary operators - not really but I start with them - which can be implemented using the S3 class system.
list(c("+.Binary", ".+"), c("-.Binary", ".-")) %>%
lapply(function(pair) {
function(e1, e2) get(pair[2], envir = as.environment(e1))(e2),
envir = .GlobalEnv)
}) -> captureOutput
Rational <- function(numer, denom) {
gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
g <- gcd(numer, denom)
numer <- numer / g
denom <- denom / g
print <- function() cat(paste0(numer, "/", denom, "\n"))
".+" <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = numer * that$denom + that$numer * denom,
denom = denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -numer,
denom = denom)
".-" <- function(that) {
.self + that$neg()
# Return everything in this scope:
.self <- structure(environment(), class = c("Rational", "Print", "Binary"))
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
rational + rational
## 4/3
rational - rational
## 0/1
What about access restriction? At this time we can access all elements in
rational. We can simply return only those elements we want the client to see
in a list; and that is what the function retList
will do for you. This becomes
tricky when you defined fields which can change, because by exporting them to a
list you made a copy of them and things may not work the way you expect them to.
In that scenario you should define get and set methods, or better, avoid that
scenario. I have seen solutions where the methods are defined directly inside
the list constructor which works fine but then I am back where I started above;
I don’t want to define functions inside the list constructor.
Rational <- function(numer, denom) {
gcd <- function(a, b) if(b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
g <- gcd(numer, denom)
numer <- numer / g
denom <- denom / g
print <- function() cat(paste0(numer, "/", denom, "\n"))
".+" <- function(that) {
Rational(numer = numer * that$denom + that$numer * denom,
denom = denom * that$denom)
neg <- function() {
Rational(numer = -numer,
denom = denom)
".-" <- function(that) {
.self + that$neg()
# Return only what should be visible from this scope:
retList(c("Binary", "Print"), c("numer", "denom", ".+", ".-", "neg", "print"))
rational <- Rational(2, 3)
rational + rational
## 4/3
rational - rational
## 0/1
Returning a list can be superior because it comes with an easy and straight forward way for inheritance. Extensions can be added to the list returned and method replacements can be implemented, well, by replacing elements in the returned list. However, it reminds me of prototype based object orientation and probably can be implemented differently.
Person <- function(name) {
print <- function() cat("Hi, my name is", name)
retList(c("Person", "Print"), "print")
Employee <- function(id, ...) {
super <- Person(...)
print <- function() cat(super$print(), "and my employee id is", id)
retList("Employee", "print", super)
Employee(1, "Chef")
## Hi, my name is Chef and my employee id is 1
The End!