The motivation for this plot is the function: graphics::smoothScatter
Basically a plot of a two dimensional density estimator. In the following I want
to reproduce the features with
These notes are inspired by
This is a reproduction of the (simple) bar plot of chapter 6.1.1 in Datendesign mit R with ggplot2. To download the data you can use the following lines:
At the moment I try to improve my knowledge about functional programming in R. Luckily there are some explanations on the topic in the web (adv-r and Cartesian Faith). Beginning to (re)discover the usefulness of closures, I remember some (at first sight) very strange behaviour. Actually it is consistent within the scoping rules of R, but until I felt to be on the same level of consistency it took a while.
I am often in the position to write functions for different types (classes) of objects (arguments). Somehow it never occurred to me, that it would be a good idea to write methods instead of several functions. Besides all other great advantages of generic functions and methods, one main reason for me is simply the number of function names I have to come up with. And the more functions I use in my package the crazier the names. Not good.